A man torn between his dreams of peace and passion for justice
the story of this man who stood with Mackenzie in the 1837 Rebellion in Upper Canada is very much a part of our mythology." David Wesley, TV Times "THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINING AND GRIPPING ...director Laurence Keane makes an impressive debut." Mark Terry, Catholic Register |
FEW NATIONS HAVE HEROES LIKE SAMUEL LOUNT of peace and principle who get hanged for standing up to tyranny..." Noel Taylor, Ottawa Citizen A REAL EYE-OPENER ...A respectable action drama... distinguished by a trio of fine performances. Alex Grant VARIETY |
Starring R.H. Thomson Linda Griffiths Cedric Smith Donald Davis David Fox Andrew Gillies Producer Elvira Lount Director Laurence Keane Screenplay Phil Savath Laurence Keane Director of Photography Marc Champion Music Kitaro Loreena McKennit Photos Chris Reardon Produced in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Telefilm Canada, Dept of Historical and Cultural Resources New Brunswick Special thanks to John Kennedy Full credits IMDb |
SAMUEL LOUNT is the Blacksmith of Holland Landing, in the rural Canada of the 1830s. A devoted family man and good neighbour, Lount is also a prominent member of the Children of Peace who are dedicated to pacifism and a life of ascetic spiritual community. But they are an island of calm in a colony that is deeply troubled. While helping a friend who is being persecuted by the corrupt and twisted colonial administration, Lount is gradually drawn into the world of radical politics and befriended by its leader, the fiery William Lyon Mackenzie. Lount is tempted from his religious isolation to run for Parliament, but when political solutions fail, the only recourse is revolution, and Lount is faced with the decision of his life... let his dreams of a free Canada die, or to betray his religion and become the blacksmith who beat his ploughshares into swords. QUOTES " and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war no more." ISAIAH, Chapter 2, Verse 4 "Politics is a dangerous trade." Samuel Lount" Aye, so is your forge, but you use it to change the shape of things." William Lyon Mackenzie "Last night I dreamt I saw this temple struck by lightning and rent asunder. All our work ruined. All our dreams in flames. And then I saw you Samuel ... and you held the lightning bolt in your hand." David Wilson, Children of Peace "If this idea's worth fighting for then it's worth dying for. Besides, we're committed. And if we're going to be dammed, let's be dammed for taking action not avoiding it." Samuel Lount HISTORY ON DECEMBER 4, 1837 Mackenzie and Lount led a rebellion against the Family Compact of Upper Canada. ON DECEMBER 5 the rebels marched down Yonge Street toward the city of Toronto. They were forced to turn back before they reached the city gates. ON DECEMBER 7, 1837 the rebels were routed in a massacre at Montgomery's Tavern. Lount fled, but was captured several days later. Mackenzie escaped to the United States. ON APRIL 12, 1838
SAMUEL LOUNT and PETER MATTHEWS were the only rebels hanged for their part in the Rebellion. |
Jerry Wasserman, CBC Radio |